
When you seeing me, you address me my title as 尊上 bow, kneel, on the floor with the full body down. Starting with that. Don't bother showing it up, you don't know how frighten the hell road yet.....

You only jobs only made it with certain guys.

These Collective consciousness One Life Occupation. Meaning their responsibility are the mankind basic welfare, to ensure the inside land, to their honor and security and that Nation they believing in their Flag, not necessary they ever need to know I exist. As long as their brain not dead on their jobs, how to....secure in-line.

1. Police man, 2. Fire man, and now that TV 3. Military

The higher ranking guys not necessary they are anything good. They might be all very bad, out of the system talk. They end up in jails too....but among these bracket, how I as the proper Title 尊上 I can have my demand, how you make it with these 3 bracket human.

Pixie usually just minimum wage they saying you ever seeing them.

These position of the jobs, these guys will have their takes on... everything you ought to be, so they might gf you, or wife you.

Meaning sex you. To how long you last....you just praying that every day jobs, you walking on needie not to fallen in hell. Not bad words, not bad attitude, not disrespectful, not sneaky imagine things, not wrongful accusation, not less professional language, speaking a proper correct tone of voice, Never Tear, never sweat, never swear....

Until that someone willing to shelter you.....you will remember I have a title as if you make it, how that person recommendation knowing I am 尊上 in the exactly words how Chinese label means.

That will sound so much different than just a honorable superior.

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