
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ You UB girls decide you will hate each other, or you trash each other, or you just never gonna work this out together ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ


A lot of guys are not good. Not that I forbidden you go on the dating games. Its not worth it. I can tell you. They are mortal human, meaning only limited Earth time. This one life. One Life.

Before your parents dead, you girls need to open your mouth to talk to someone, they always there talking like they are still your parents. About your career, you always feel more needed seeing them around. You panic you have no money. Its everyone panic they don't settle their finance, not just you are. You will freak it out more, if your parents stretching situation are not affordable, and if they are dead, you absolutely have no one leaning on, including all these you imagine they are your bf, husband human. They leave, they leave. You feel the air cold.

This World illusion - its the collective feeling how this one guy bringing it out.

Its best you looking for those guys. Not One guy.

1. Cops.

2. Fireman

3. Military

The military I met around me in UB, they aren't that psycho as the newspaper air out. But Adam had a brother, not necessarily he has anything good saying about him. He gone to the military. 

And practically I am the one.....freeing them the tutoring service. They are not necessarily having a brain, saying self sufficient. They trying to.

You want a hobby, like a calligraphy on the notebook. You seeing my Pinterest Weight Losing program that album? Where I have my notes, or the Birds on another website I putting the photo with the hand writing?

Tina Jojo if she is a psycho, she can flute, piano, and calligraphy, I told Apple that.

That is before I have the birds crisis, so I don't know what they did with that. Those photo I stream on another website. Let me find it.

When you having a notebook taken notes to make things organize, pleasing to read, you could have so many plans to look right. In America, if you can deliver a lot of those details format, of the hand writing legible, to helping those around to start. Meaning 500 times literally writing things per day, to that per alphabet clearly read, and organize.

On your note, on your thought, on your self- improvement planning. On your task set up

On your wall poster set up, meaning drawing, meaning planning.

Because.....a lot of guys cannot write, cannot be legible, cannot poster with the arts to seeing a very very very clear plan. You may not be able to excuate the plans, but you give them a talent will facilitate them.

Like I say, you all have a very very very bad writing notes, no matter where inside your mind, outside your paper, down at your scribble.



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