
Pinterest - I gonna separate me and my mother living quarter, once of this day. So she has a lot of stove, or I made her something for the emergency.

I boil stuffs?! I juicing? 

What kind of the Kitchen that supposed to be?

I technically bind to my chair, this chair height different, so the photo looks different angle not like used to. I am so lazy....one of those saying. Taiwan, those elaborating meat stuffs, how many per day I eat that in 365 days? That is one year. So I purchasing from outside. What do I use for a kitchen for? 


You don't live on raw food.

You don't live on juicing

You don't live in the metropolitan

You don't do whole sale ideas? Do you know what is a household one juicing boxes of the full orange?

I have no more money to paper bill I am telling you? Not everyone started to have a money concept? 

Give me a basic definition what the raw food means? The camera light too big?

Uncooked, enzymatic reaction that is alive? Green?

The preparation of the raw food? Meaning your hands are clean. You do juicing? You peel fruits and vegetable? But required washing procedure? 

My kitchen definition its what I eat.

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