
Your eternal life, once you get out of this life, The Edge of Tomorrow (Movie) by Tom Cruise.

You might have a memory, you might have not. One day....you will only deliver exactly everything I say so, to these guys. And one day, you will open your mouth telling these guys how you get there to having one recommandation for them knowing me as the 尊上 not just the English words honorable superior. 

These guys as long as they don't send themselves in jail, at this positions, some will rise higher. As long as everything legal, not jail. Meaning they doing their jobs correctly....you must make them so in love to fallen out of their jobs, as if they choosen you, when you having a career, that lasting them the full life. Whatever you finance yourself at.

Never kidnapping business....nor the children producing kidnapping business.

When you returning that eternity, you will remember what you are Today. Its called the Past, Present and the Future 3 Esteem Reviews. That recommandation....you must earn it. Its just a piece of paper.

When I passing by UB, I know exactly whom you are, what you are, what you ever done...understand? I don't' need the guy telling me. One glimps 10,000 years. 

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