
Is UB library, or some kinda of library, you borrow something....about the whole scope, what Anna saying things. One book, changing your online landscape you, what you supposed to be doing and thinkiing, and uttering words in your mouth to imagine the future?

Just a niche?

You are not uttering the right words, you are not thinking the right term, you never even write it down, thinking about, repeating those words inside your mouth to lecture someone like you?

You repeat those words like 50 mins, what you get it yourself what exactly you are short of? In front of the mirror.

Some human doesn't need to repeat those words, so the reading its one time, you want to read the second time, and starting to make an outline, what exactly you are reading that book, starting on the chapter outline?


Nerve system - 1) Voluntary Nerve System 2) involuntary Nerve System  ( CNS, Central Nerve System)

Circulation system - Blood works, oxygen, lungs. Blood pressure, artary, veins, and 微血管

Digestion system / GI track - Anna never repeated it like thousand times the same things in different writing of it.

Lymph system - points, massage at....

Biology dogma ending its to create a human body. Its not legal. Its in progression. 

Not God is full of light, if not the laser of I Ching Anna number 1 to 64, or 64 to 1?  You are not clear any term, any description, any describing, words, name, title,......

Say something?

Its solely your low IQ problems, I say that too many times, too often. Low IQ Women population ready to losen memory, after 35. Exactly every words I am saying to you. Lost square and lines.


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