
If you want to use my Pinterest interior design? Where? In Taiwan or in US?

Why cannot you design on your own?

Taiwan I think, I will stay where these police station at,...that is how Austin their entire 3 generation family business....one of those looks like Fox.conn human, their Feng Shui telling them extremely bad, to facing right at the police station.

But normally, for your Urban planning, you go the mountain, Leo's dad are Jewish, they buying these 4 stair floor, outside on the mountain, they drive it down and take Metro or Bus.

Not like the US. But its near the mountain, you breath better. Bigger space.

To stay in here....Taipei I told you are very expensive, only certain professional human can stay here.

Those are material? Yes! 

Material Science? ! Its the architecture material. The texture touch-and-feel. You probably meant Taiwan itself if that is the Florida or Southern California weather. Then you have a winter and summer needed you understand those are not just you look and straight thinking.

You will need air-con for the next 20-40 years. These climate change don't get mild.

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