
2014 you all UB don’t remember how it happened the playlist I remind you on ET existence. To when now at least Mormom did a lawful vocabulary seems to close what should be a righteous missionary landing on poor country as you saying …fashion !

You all 6+1 MD will imagine a lot of thing when that curtain draws. Where was I 2014 to til 10 years Birds says, Snakes says golden Hunger games anniversary ? Me Honorable Superior it’s a name for 10 years or 30 years long gone, you will still remember how times pass so fast.

In retrospect your perfect life, you didn’t remember how you suffered.

That breathing in breathing out must be hurtful to that chest, you know how Purna story comes from with Buddha it’s him beating his chest. Things you think inside, it’s every degree burnt I say. Every second in life that payment to the Eternal Lords will be my forever Physical merits how I will Always be.

Your religion context to the real world tempament nature to this ephemeral cycle of life it’s a painful sympathy, don’t you agree?  That while you don’t know the traps, how that 6+1 becomes so well laughable iconic….for the rest of your life indicator number to someone whom will forever exist.


How this leverage time called the same age bracket for an amusement …

What they called the angelic writing to that dreamy symbol psychi assassin Inelia Benz book so well saying Taoist they do nothing but magic !

Not the feather writing, it’s a pen you use on paper you saying the Holy Ghost guiding your IQ problem on 1+1 sentimental me reading Atlantis sunken land before PCAT, you probably didn’t know what Cooke Hall received my last struggle of that waiting list…what have I become.

That’s more than 10 years ago, 20 years ago, the karmic wheel to today we meeting each other on the web, gazing at your own electric photograph family kids, you still remember you wish you are parts of your parents, never ending tale that the life gets ahead, it’s you plan your life on.

So many try, so many failed and that worsen human nature as if I never enlighten you in jails, will be MD and Laws.

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