
是不是那個 COVID 19 邊境開封日本現在可以去了? is that COVID 19 the border all opens, you can go to Japan now?

Like the Youtuber does? 像他們法國的意思

那去呀 ! 我不能到處亂跑~我人生很討厭飛機的 Then go, I cannot randomly run around~ I hate airplane.

就是你們要去旅行吃東西的意思? Meaning you have to go travel (Voyage) to eat food?

我沒有說你們不能吃呀 ! I didn't say you cannot go and eat food?!

我說 NASA 的 preliminary report 跟皇后有三個月的審核 I only say that NASA has the preliminary report and the England Queen has 3 months on evalution.

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