
If Eben telling me he likes another guys, something like that? I will tell him to go and find that guy to spend on his money.

I keep my own money.

Some gays might be all that in love games, but some gays are not. They are emotional got hurt, but they grab a lot more in the money. They exist. 

I rather Eben's true love to go killing him, Eben. Because some people make their money hard, if Eben meant that is his choice and true love. I wait....I help him, but don't touch my money. I have nothing right now, as you can see. There is nothing to get jealous. I never get jealous if you say you have money or zero money really on the back end.

Do you know what the China some human do? There is a wife and a kid, and guess whom overseas, to whom got jailed in the end?

You know how many times I hear that on the news? Don't bother me.

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