
You didn't imagine how you end up them all on the line. A judge will be at that day explaining to you how your future will be. That is your one life ended there.

Because you thought the legal process meant you go to jail 3 months? You should plot. They ever done this they know that as the America world.

Simon or Eben or Keanu Reeves....they are not the very good guys, that doesn't mean they are not human born with the flesh and born. They might be that what trans-gender things even.

Meaning in the real industrial setting, between the girls and the guys attention they cut themselves or someone came in to cut them in thousand pieces, one day they make a decision and they stick to that decision.

That may not be the court ruling....but one day I will be the court.

To that every human heart, there is a story of that every nature you don't see. Be kinds to some human, no matter they mean to you or not. You don't need to proven, they got the money, so they end in hell unless they do something bad. But while just being a decent human, certain law measurement should be in placed, no matter what that is.

That is what being a Judge supposes to be. 

Your America you proud of that freedom, will give certain things all under that laws they say they safeguard the human interests. Why don't you try to make America a better place to live in, that will include all worlds, all walks of life, all situation that happening between Love even.....

That eternal love games....let them be whom they are?

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