
Jailing is not supposed to be ....right human mind. But 商鞅 and 妲己 to end up in jailed, its exactly how they meant it, they try not to read it.

or Why, including that entire company all around, near by.

Wait til together and wedding all photo, makes a great big blessing, that history then can becoming the Eternal Truth. No one ever curious? That is perfect! 


well saying Elf....

to say goblin near by that great perfect World stories Lords of Ring. 精= rice + a snake color blue like Elsa.

And that Sutra = 經

like Periods called MC = 月經

same sounding methods.

Calling a sutra on snake, its on the China Welcome Towel to my granny. Its a White snake.

By whom? A monk! 法海和尚

你們知道那個精跟經是同音,這個白蛇傳是鎮壓在一個塔上,精分開叫做 米 跟青 ,青蛇

顏色在 Adam & Hailey that video "What is Eternal", 在那首歌裡面呀 ! 跟 Elsa 顏色一樣!



This kinds of the story endings, only some kind of the sentient beings will know that.


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