
The Truth is : A lot of real Jobs stress are very very high. I tell you, the guys bearing on it.

At home, a girl does everything for him to come back rested. Including try to share that bill, anyway possible, a relationship establishment to all around. Food costs lower, combine bill, to eat healthy, he can forget making food, because a girl does all things.

And a girl is more happy, more time to cleaning the period, stay home for the pain, and the guys can confront that bigger world himself, with a support inside a home, they build together.

Be happy, you know what that means, being together happy? 

Meaning no ex-wife problems, like nick used to have? It was so stressful both the jobs or at the home? 

You taken for grant, that lifestyle so that Guy needs to begging you.

You should just go to hell with it. 

Shut up~!

Facing a Real World outside, its not a girls natural tendency jobs, not even for many guys. When you could provide to any degree of helping another household, its because you are taken that responsibility, you wish that within the country, its everyone become better, become money sustain, and you give that to the World, hoping all of them will grow one day.

To one day of Every possibility, you carry that Prophecy from that Babaji saying 2000, as the only decree and abide to his teaching, you understand?

To every humanity. 

Selfishness will doom to that jealousy, or envy, or imagination to one day Crime.

If those screen not hinted enough, you sent yourself to the police, its what you ought to be doing, at least knowing, something in the end, its you just die on the street, that's all. Nothing else. 

Movie Keywords:

You have a Best Friend (Lovely Bone)

Magic (Frozen)

Iron"ic" (Iron Man)

Prince Wife Car crash, and scandle. (Yogi Bear)

Like each other (Jailed)

Witch (Nicole Kidman)

Why don't you focus on your own painting?

That is your background? Everyone has a passing, no one sin in the future? How do you saying that for re-demption?

Everyone has a Past.

You want to kneel now, in front of Wing's house 3 days 3 nights, Dean's house 3 days 3 nights?

Whatever you see SMCH as if a Big Shot Jokers in Jails?

That is All of them the dsiciples have nothing but kneel there, crawling for their life after life Karma, no matter what karma is that to her SMCH? Everyone has no shame doing it, for just even one full life kneeling, they ask for liberation from that life after life no more Samsara Cycle or Reincarnation Enlightenment?

Pride too high, someone nurture you this far, to believing the false?

How great that I am.

Are you in front of your parents?

Kneel, put your entire body flat on the floor, stays there.

Is that shameful? Its just a practice. Whenever this King of all Kings shows up, everyone we all have to bow, kneel, flat, as if I cannot do it?

Its everyone, online.

How great you feeling it? the Burn?

Let's stand together.... 

Look! Bow, Kneel....Flat, don't bother gettinig up? 

A lot of people have a lot of imagination?

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