

I used to tell you, yesterday, everything it’s fake in that YouTube.

There are only Medical board and Laws association board exist.

The future direction: you will all very noisy to be moved away from me.


I sent that many months ago. That’s how these houses came about. So I don’t really know where that Wing party house to be. I think it’s lawsuit ends at…probably at Japan. It takes lawsuit and they can move that statues to Japan Visa I am pretty sure they have that kinds of special visa. It’s a special circumstance. 

China is a communism but I think they are operating that mentality some spirits of talking a proper law should exist. American probably prefer that. The democracy world, that will be UN 194 country except Cuba, Vietnam or North Korea.

I told you, it’s everything false you do with that YouTube open channels everyday it’s everything fake. 

I say again, it’s only Medical and Laws exist 


Movie: ‘iRobot - that’s fantasy how a house demolish to start today ….it’s an unknown situation but it’s a fake situation.

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