
You want to make a sense of your movies you want to switch to a calligraphy like how you write a diary ?

Might be you are inspired and organized your own legible to start?  I tell you what the movie means, that was 2008? The age was over long time ago, you start at 15. Practically you cannot acquire anything in the movie through the ET. None. That age pass will be 15 to start. The 15 years old.

You become invisible it’s better. Including the shape.

They get to become the star, the bf the gf, the what stuffs 1 to 1000, nothing but them to becoming.  I thought I repeat this thousand times before. 

You will be 生、老、病、死
Meaning Buddha told you movie story, born, old, sick, die.
You are not capable anything. When you are younger like me now I taken 1000 photo, even when I old, it’s better you taken 1000 photo they look at you, straight to your eyes. 

You Know when was the last time I told you, copy exactly things I do?
Everything I am that I am ?


You are imagine 194 Pixie only 

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