
你們去元太銀行,前面一棵樹沒有旁邊的小小 brush


2 = 台欣 +HSBC 匯豐

2 = 元大+他隔壁 兆豐


In front of that Conan bank (fat kid = 元太) there is a tree without the short brush.

I put the real estate on a separate webpage, I tell you security, painting, lighting, floor, inspection …a lot of people choose different reason, like my grand mom used to live …that’s one ball dance school 師大附中 those Pop, real estate because it’s so hard to get in. We live there 2010, guess what?

No one living down stair, we are at 6th. Me, my mother + grand mom

So I show you when I finish in case your 194 country watching it. 20 years.

Empty ….maintain the property yeah, never finish walking and find things around.

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