
Channel after Iron man 3 “Drillbit Taylor”

That’s a photo for 3 guys? Vartan ? Sorry…what was it Nancy Meyer Home again

Simon!! Oh~ has to be this year every day on Mc Donald (high tech afternoon early says)

I switch to iron man 3, there is an internal lava says someone tonight to be psycho and that’s Obama looking got burn. There is a watch.

所以她副院長= pepper 小辣椒?秘書的意思?

喔!that YouTube song 影片其實 ….

Move on 他說中文不是『我做到』


松德應該看 Iron Man 3 真的,因為 Obama 殺了一個人,在醫療界,一個人就會做監獄!

Oh ~ NSYNC you want to bring your wife coming here ? That hospital or Taiwan? It’s called internal medicine 內科 it’s for women, but you have a brain like my mother or Annca, it’s the same hospital. 

That’s Silicon Valley I end up mid-night. Industrial area, that’s not residential area. 

You jail - you fallen the digital era.

That’s an arm

System upload !

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