
I think its s chop board, its not a glass. Get Craig that area to South Africa, again, up to North Poles

Kenshington market, Meghan? I just saw the news on Harry they going to South Africa. 

Where is NASA Data after 2012? Hey, ~ There is nothing there after 2012? We are in 2022, almost 2023? 

I need someone to draw out, a water body to the Cape Town to South Africa, White, that ship porter places, that entire area, Curve down.

Get rid of it. Its roughly a curve, a big radius..."Circle", down, curve down. 


Albert II's wife.



okay I see what they are doing now. 

I need the people, IMDB those, circle all out, every magic words. As soon as there shall every be Magic, circle it all film out. We are the legal system, not air bimbo dreamy statues....


I need another batch of people.

Follow what I say, "In Today's world, there is no one will end up in jail because of the TV, unless someone breaking it a law. But as long as that shall that person even be jailed by that mis-leading TV, and ending up in jail, meaning participating the jail activities, the legal system, its not as bad as those, participating in Magic."

Find out, what that means the magic parts. 

I say these, but I don't know how to define what is magic. I just roughly seeing that in the Harry Potter.  What is the magic thing?

No, these are my words. I seen enough movies, but I don't know what is the magic part of the world, there are worsen things I don't know?



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