
Does Dean particularly do something to you girls? In my memory....

If you drop out of the UB Honor Program, meaning your grade are F? Or it means you re-taken UB regular class? 

Isn't that the same thing? One semester you must generate a transcript to Pass it, that would be C? or D? I think I got A in Organic. Ola did well one time? I remember that. Dean remember that? I did bad that time.

That was the year I have to taken PCAT 2 times I think. 

I told you I study in the UB library everywhere I seen no one......and tell me you have 6+1 MD from UB IQ.

That is a Dean, or its someone whom we never met? 

Who is that? You don't think this entire Sailor Moon, sounds too real? It just I Anna don't know whom they are? Earth Prince, Mammoru....So it would be us = High school, Me and Lee in a different uniform (?), Music Academia....

That Mammoru he is a University Research kinds Student.

UB Honor Class is the High School, CADS Program Tutor Level = Music Academia

Whom is this guy?

I think Bill he is the Dark hair...Justin he is not. oh ~those girls mix up the sequence!~ ~ Its one seat shift over. But Bill he is not an Asian....

What is Shift B? BBB


You failed the school, no more University? That is the reason you are not in the library.

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