
"Time is destine" 1:37

The history of those time, were ...yet to close the Gate, Wing. Your history didn't mix up....8 country Foreign blow up China Walls. You need the foreign military supports to stand in Gates.


Your marriage its appointed, if that is what you believe saying it.

Do you like sticker?

Or do you like one of those pandent, you have a 迴紋針 on the back, you can zip it on the Muji Bags, like I had.

You like Make-up?

You like a spicy food?

You like your parents just like you collect things you want? Never really say much?

You like nourishing those very expensive cosmetic serum?

You believe those superstitious tales, and legands?

Like you like the story talers story of the Past, like a book?

Karen doesn't really complain those things in life, whatever she has to put up. Ola would. She used to drive those girls all around, she lives in the West Seneca, very very far from everyone's home. Very far.

But she ends up doing those things, including taken Melinda home from downtown bar, and drive home. I that time still lives in Jame's house. She does that often, and what happened now, those girls....don't exist anymore.

No, I don't like to drive back like those things in downtown....I stay away from downtown. Friday night I like to read ....Book. Like Bible and go to sleep early, shower, nice, bathing in my own bed.

She just does those things I don't know why she doing that.  She has to work by how many hours per week, not here. Probably at West Seneca. She lives home, she goes to school, she does this CAC things. 

That's Arizona, that is TN.

W Two worlds its a story about a guy saying he kills his entire family, as the First Degree Murder to ends up in Jail. (hopefully not eternally)

He then meeting a girl as the last seat of rotton doctor on the roof, in order to modify the book content, the memory, the situation of "how to draw that as a dream", the girl will forget it about him.

He used to have a best friend, whom like Vicky, its a distort face lifting jobs girl. No appearance like the killer. The High school sweet hearts, that she lost her right arm becoming transparent.

This doctor keep going back into the book trying to save him, against his father's orderly order. The father decided he will kill him, his destiny in life, its God's calling must kill him.

He was told, or he was led.

There is a memory when the father was young, when he first invented this character to become a household success name. Its this franchise, that sustain the entire family.  He told you that is the story. He grew old.

To that several attempt of going inside outside the book content.

First its her parts

Second it becomes his will power

But later as that story comes to the end, her father will die one day, and the guy waiting her at the bus stop for her to come near. 

She did come near. But the Book content changes the entire sequence of the Day light, she is back to where she was in the real world. Not the Night. Its the Day.

The narrative saying, the book ended there, he die. But what the audience didn't know was he was sent to the ambulance and got to the hospital to be cured.

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