
Leadership in that two diverge world, where....left down. You tell people what to do, not asking me what should be done.

You don't think that is the time doing that? 

Like Me Anna

I create a stream of events, forgetting that movies stuffs, just for me Anna stuffs. "I told my facebook used to be friends." = you being said on the Pegnuine's camera. Do you know how that looks from my side, you didn't disappear? 

Let's saying we divide two time bracket, First 16 years, second 16 years by the TV.

We have participants of APO, CAC and UB Honor Class. We have the indicators lights on 6+1 MD that way

4+1 MD this way.


A situation that really happened how I Anna felt |  A TV Time Divide reflection  |  The UB Clubs Facebook I collects names from for the National Emergency House under the War Time |  A real System Issues  | 


Do you want to see your own lists of options how you crafty.....any story sounds too crafty?

Your hope, you dream, your pray?

We might never have a solution

But we putting out the voice or whatever they are doing behind, I cannot see things from my ends. We are using the social media.

You know how many things "I think I guess, I was Right"? You imagine I hear a concrete answer from you, its floating in the empty air. 

Like it shaken me, or someone else in the Honor Program

What happened? 

I get it, I might never found out the answer, because to be honest....its more sad to know the other way, you for the money, to flunk it on Dr. T's class on the ice cream shop. So those lockwood on campus jobs are all faking it, the resume, how you ends up on the TV at this important time, you want to tell all of us, its either you stab us behind someone's back, or someone has to push you to go literally stab whom's back, because you are just exactly like Tony.

Or Adam & Hailey.

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