
16 years ago, they start you all going back to school, one of those things, you have 4 x 4 years going on,....to say where you suppose to be on that textbook?

You find a work, or a school to finish your education I assuming, that is what they make you all do Wing or Ola or Hira.

In front of Dean? 

You have to tell me you get to MCAT or PCAT at all, or literally you fail 16 times PCAT? 

If we become so wealthy, I make girls to study one or two years...to say everyone can trying out MCAT, we don't go to the medical School....You still failing? 

PCAT its not that many subjects! 2 by intuitions you are native.  

This Eben I have to watch him. Someone can F their grades in school to lost their scholarship to end up on TV before all of us knowing it. Its a scholarship program! They doing things like that, or ET really just that nasty doing things like that, what else the ET says? 

"Its a Scholarship Program, and Best Friend position?"

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