
As a girl, we have a bladder. 我們做女孩子呢,有一個膀胱 !

But we have a completely, totally, utterly, solely different urination system than the boys

但是我們完全、絕對、絕對絕對~不一樣的排尿系統跟男孩子比 !

Normally we say the guys are so dirty, and the bathroom smell, those are the normal, they just randomly pee at, and those will smell. But you are talking about a girl's body, you ...well, when you start to have a real boyfriend, or a real husband under this saying "Eternity".

通常我們說男孩子很骯髒,這個廁所有味道都是很正常,因為他們隨便小便會有味道,但是你們現在是在講女孩子的身體,你 ...唉~ 當你們有一個正常的男朋友或是一個真正的結婚的那個男的叫做永恆真愛 ! 

The guys will smell on their organ, that is external, smell. Including they sweat a lot

男孩子他們器官有味道,是外在器官,聞的到加上流汗 ! 

But the girls are the hidden organ, you are muscle folding in, that entire area has to folding in and out to dry and wipe, to dry and wipe, to dry and wipe. Did you hear I say, their pee outside that bathroom smell. That Entire room are outside their organ.

但是你們是隱藏式器官,你們的肌肉翻進去,整塊的方面要翻開翻進,翻開翻進,乾掉擦,擦到乾,乾在擦,擦呀 乾~~~你們沒有聽到我說的意思,男孩子尿尿在外面的廁所有味道,是整個房間在他們器官外面! 

You can explode that room, its outside their pee area



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