
Do you ever see ET's Eyes? Filling up with the tear looking at the Court Judge, loads of the girls like you, looking at the judges, exactly the same way....anyway.

 Someone reminding you red....

Someone reminding the hood....

Someone reminding.....the snow...white! 

There is a movie or a book, Rich dad, poor dad. You probably just always saying everyone in what mentality or the way how they talk, to sound like a human in any any any occasion, its not God they all doing this to me....

Don't you agree? 

Do you ever looking at the mirror mirror hanging on the wall, what kinds of MD anyone will hire you in, anyway to believing a resume will ever work? You believe ET its practical, or Eon Kelpa wisdom will just telling you, you will never make it, but why bothering those indicators lights on, to that one Khan Academy, how many people just like you....just like you...years after years to wish and hope and praying.....some relief.

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