
I would tell you, you bet on the 12 years High School Textbook + 4 years College. Those basic education knoweldge, how many books can they be anyway? Plus, you have something about, keeping those notes, or textbook in your stock room. Where I can only put in my memory....

What the advantage you always one day, we both will become 60, whom rule the worlds, that time....really. 

Like I always say, when ET does those Honorable Superior on the Flower Thousand Bone (2015), 10 years ago of that every year, it would never be me going to hell....someone born to never end up in there. Karmic! 

It says all right? Its everything you do. You are not very attentive to the things, how to survive in this world, and in terms of the money, you will become lacking as well, if you don't bring your IQ high.

To that many advantage, some guys are not skillful, but like I specify the details how this entire World operates....its best you just input more of your IQ issues to the guys. Even the handicap man might have some retarded sense to that what you mean the worsen condition of the mankind, compare to a girl.

A lot of guys are not skillful, then you shape that one person up.

You know you cannot shape up every guys, but you shape one guys of that one lifetime right in front of you. Then he starts to pick up his pace to different tasks. You see, my mother help me some grocery, so that lacking its not there right now. When you have 2 people in the household, 3 or 4....or eventually you wish to build a community, to all kinds of attitude, first the police has to step in. 

Second, you never meant there will ever be a crime visible right on the screen.

But yeah, we talk in a sense, people are not clearly indicate they are jailed I guess, what the fate of the TV saying a horrific story, what I label it as the "First Degree Murder" Under the Loving roof edge to meet the Fateful Lover, exactly the same.

Astor 1234.

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