
๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ’ Wing, I am thinking me and Eben has to go on that One Direction Amusement Park ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ’

I never went on a date with a guy....

Wing, I think that is a restaurant, how me and Eben talks normal.

And Wing, there is an ice skating.

Wing, Me and Lee gone to his carnival. Me and Eben never gone to a carnival yet....

Wing, me and Eben may not have a dryer and washer when we get there....I used to do the laundry with nick in the outside laudry room.

Wing, me and Eben might seen this 101 advertisement on little little pawm 2? That is not my movie, Wing.

Wing, Me and Eben can have ice cream.

Wing....You ever read your Conan how you missing in your Carnival amusement park with one of your missing long term gf from high school? Double dates?

Wing, do you finish your exam, when you will finish your exam.

Wing....Tina assault people, she is a Torus, me and Eben staying far away from them, including Annca, how do you watching that TV, Tina and Annca? Tina is dating all around, she is trying to proven everyone, age almost 40 years girl will find a guy to host, her living room, those 2 kids with her from "Taiwan".

Wing, you are from Hong Kong, me and Eben are going to China, are you coming, are you deciding, are you taken your parents, are you living alone like the TV animation says, are you really studying to every what exam you didn't finish it yet? 

Wing, me and Eben will host party, meaning I cook him Eben one person food. Me and him party. You decide it yet, how you live alone and die alone inside the house yet, or you are stil deciding what houses?

Wing, Wing Wing, where is Dean Dean Dean? Its your Dean dead, or my Dean dead....last time i talked to Dean, its this year, he seems talking fine.

Wing, can you check your own Dean, whom is this guy? 

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