
Tell me, what does this looks like to you?


There are certain military, whichever English words how many you can put them in those words and terms....just I Anna really need to live forever, okay?

You are imagining a lot of things where you go alone yourself, you feel you have no more strength. Without your parents, you for sure dead. The Human evolution has always been going upward, going to improve, going to mature, going to quantum leap. But you stuck yourself in one of those math calculation what spending or wants, or anger to buy, to imagine you are just some 20 years old graduate UB College students, to your parents....

Eben got junks not supposed to be those gasoline human called Muslin related, no....

But some human, even like that, transpassing the wrong, they will not open their mouth like you open your mouth or pretending just like another Tina. A lot of people cares this image, like...

"You looks like a student."

"You behavior like a student."

"You just graduate?"

"Where you work at?"

"What do you do in life?"

"Your parents its outside?"

"Your parents drive you here? AGT audition?"

Do you plan to grow up out of your parents context? To when you will set your parents free? Are you planning you look more mature than your sibling, good good, and what's more you have?

You have a professional related things to say, or done?

A profolio what you say or done?

A chronological years you didn't miss a work, like Anna has no more jobs as long as she ever remembered since that Misour Simon Cowell human shows up.

Self Improvement Works

A lot of people in order to stay in the professional works, they have to do these continuation of Adult Learning. There is a name of it. Like some of your parents, your parent's co-workers, or their competitiors, or any this Digital Era Human, they learning stuffs from the Youtube, they be at the real seminar, and the real environment where you meeting the people, open your mouth and talk right. 

Preparation, a proposal, and a business plan. That is the most norm things that everyone in that field knowing why or how you show up for. You pay at the entry fees so expensive, you cannot possibly don't show up prepare yourself, and drop me a pile of stuffs, saying....you are not prepared.

You literally writing it down.

Step by step, how you get from A to Z. You keep a notebook, you keep a diary, you keep a square line box, or an arrays of rulers making it up column or rows. You forget.

You present to someone, you imitate the real occasion, of the very cold air-conditioning....how you open your mouth to carry a fluent English conversation or a dialogue to that person standing in front of you. You might wear a heel to look suit that conversation talk. 

You blank out most of time, to just even carry a smart conversation, there are 3 or 4 people standing there. You open your mouth to say a word or you alone by yourself, I always with nick. He opens his mouth and dialogue, I don't care about this things. He cares about it.  

The conversational skills that people day to day trained, has to begin from the first sentence, you keep practices those lines you thought you sounds smart at....mirror to mirror. Ballet studio to ballet studio. 

When I did the Sauma in the 5 Star hotel here 2010 China Expo those time, its when I am in the Ballet Mirror studio, next by.....I can see what the studio made for. You care about these Sauma, the ballet studio, the people in and out, what you have the money, where you go and spent it? 

Some invest on themselves, just little by little, every money disappear, I drink it down. 

And in case.... You want to be the New Age.....

You still need one of those vola moment to make an impression!!! 

Like not the TV words of the impressionalist, Simon Cowell's 5th week, I got on the TYG. I mean to impress someone, they will look at your proposal, your business plan you have done your homeworks, or you can straight up to Masterson, or Craig, or Eben....and they might find your an investor, you carry a correct conversation.

Practically speaking, Craig's video is at Zero comments.

He cannot possibly the worse person to talk to, if you all girls just try.....to make an impression. I don't make an impression that doesn't mean I cannot make an impression if I want it to.....You, however, you have every lacking skills, you nah, you yeh, you vent, you pry, you....what? Telling yourself small tiny words, what this that, what those aren't? 





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