
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ€ Becoming a female professor or these nuns, they have to pass the exams just like SMCH, to which how short your IQ really are to Dennis saying? ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ€

Your IQ or EQ are just about.....demonstrated shorten....as the years goes the high school sweetie talks. Is the guy around to hear about this none sense? You could just live happy about your own life, not to bother somebody else in America, and these guys will know, at least you being decent about, far away from it all, no one knows you exists !

What was I supposed to be doing today? I exercise, I drank the water, juices, clean up the vegetables, used up those, were supposed to for my mother. Becoming my mushroom. I don't really eating mushroom. That was supposed to washed for her parts.

I told her, and now she doesn't eat carbohydrate, but the bread, and she doesn't eat Tofu. Its just about everything she decides she doesn't eat the moment I made it them there.

That was as lot of food today. I ate the mango after that, I left one rice ball. Its too much these salty taste. That is not supposed to be the lunch? Usually the lunch its like 3 or 4 dumpling + vegetables with carrots boiled. So that is a lot you see in the photo. Tonight, I cannot eat stuffs for sure, and tomorrow.... There are things you just knew you shouldn't be eating.

    Like Eggs

    Like Milks, Cheese, bread, cookies, crackers, butters, pop drinks.

I think only water doesn't reflects on the weight scale. If that is the only case, I will be drinking only water right? Yeah !!!! I occasionally taking some milk. But those are very fat, I am telling you. Is there something about the bone they say, or they say not, about the milk? The really drinking down those fresh milk, not the add-on substance inside any process snacks, or food, or cake, or diary, or pasty, I guess....those you mean the sweeties.


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