
我如果減肥成功 | If I lose weight successfully

我應該可以看到更好的吧 ? 說不定呀 ! 

I should be able to see better? Its hard to say !


I rest a bit, later I continue. 

I was walking, I was thinking all you girls losing weight program design. I never really had a program to design for myself, I just keep losing the weight down no matter what. You know when is the last time I had the bagels? 3 or 4 years ago. Mc Donald muffle I had 3 times last one month. 

If you quitting bread, you might start to go to the bathroom better including the white rice? I like the rice, but its on the TV, I should quit ! The eggs are very very fat ~~ The way I eat here its not much, but the any scramble eggs, use more than 1 egg? The 10 NT dollar egg its one full egg, I sometimes don't even eat the entire eggs. Just taste it. 

If I looking at the calendar dates to when I gain weights, its after I change my diet. Although I lose the dizziness, but still I need to slim all these weight down like when I was in high school, I think, that is about 50 or 52 kg. That is about 110 Pounds.

So I go back to the states with Eben and I lose 30 pounds, you don't want to start it now?

(The kid outside cry)

This birds outside still lure me to eat their eggs. Do I want to know why they keep doing that? I have to eat? 

All right, mine would be losing 35 pounds as the goal. If you write it down, those things do help you. I didn't have a heart to determine to do anything. Some of this human, saying I should just get fat, sit there, doing nothing, like a baby. Not jump, flip, bounce.

You need a notebook to write it down? The Dates, the morning, noon, evening? oh ~ If I do that.... I use A4 Sheets. Dean used to do some works to slim down .....

Its like 7:30. I went out by 6 and walking one hour yet? or 40 mins? At least. What is  my weight, I drank some water down.

65.6 Kg, I write in the notebooks. Today's date: May 27th 2022.

I write it down, it started to rain, my mother had some yogi doing, I can do stretching different from Eben's program, or Craig Ballanytne. They say there is security, so I can do the stretching the way I want. Longevity exercise.

There are other more younger instructors, looks like President Xi, all those belly guys chulby looking. They all have something differently. The DVD I used to copy from my aunt.


I run some chores and walking inside the house 8:00 to 8:10

Then I meditate for 20 mins. I never meditate, all right, I start to meditate.

8:00-8:10 Chores and Walking around

8:10-8:30 Meditate

8:30 Juice, walking around, don't know what to do in life.

Instead of biting the chips this time, I biting the vegetable stem last night I made, afternoon.

Washing the vegetables, washing the hands, film it.

Washing the bathroom.

    Tell the birds shut up !!! Front and the back and the Kitchen. The neighbors shut up !!!!

You know how to make it the SMCH 2 and half hours? Its every few interval, 10 mins.

Help my mother carry the vegetable, change the water of the vegetable washing.

I used to do their Cheat Sheet, like 10 - 3, I never bother waking up .....~~~~~~ If you thinking how much per day you lose it, you will just start it at 9.....somehow.

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