
How about this, you Karen and Adria getting married one of those days, and all these guys around be the flowers, like one of those diagrams from the Sailor Moons?

You can invent that ! Taiwan, we are now officially that legal for the lesbian. You don't have to get married, you could just sort things out again as the best friends. And drop this guy and his family around, more loosen on the air to breath?

There are certain guys, you cannot push them to the edges, they cry. They have nothing but the tears in their eyes, called the Loving the Silent Tears.

Life when you are outside your family, you have to lower down your head all the time.  You think the way how me talking to the UB guys or Ola they are, we become the big huge family? Melt together? I don't think so.

Maybe I shut down Eben and Simon and ETR them together, to making you feel, they are supportive and friendly on the screen? No.... they are not that friendly guys, I think. You taken that from the screen.

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