
So the most threatening guys is not Eben or Simon, its Dr. Steven Hairfield?

On the Pitch Perfect? 

Is today's birthday, Karen's? May 26th? My weight does not come down. Its 66 Kg. Do I want to know why I keep getting weight up? Today I have to slim all the things down. I have to go out again walking the 2nd time. Yesterday I can feel my weight on my foot, today its not that much, but last night were a lot. 

(Maybe gonna rain)

I cannot upload this video, the bird says. 

You know why some people in the end of their life, like .....very old, they say they live their life fully, up and down. Because they went through several phases in their life, and they cannot quit life, so they die. Some people will tell you, the normal sense of life its to get up again and again. 

You learn something, you get up.  


If you hate that someone, you don't need to be with that person.

Food preparation like 2 or 3 meals lunch boxes, to save the money, to learn about the income and expense. Everything else, you just dragging that person down, that their life has no goal to get anywhere else....not hope, not dream, not daring to imagine anything new horizon would ever becoming. 

They rest properly, not being argumentative on the phone, then you go and see that person in real face time, talk in the sense, why getting back together its worth your time, and his time. Anything that bothers in you, you imagine God doesn't know. 

In your religion sense, you find yourself much happier right now. You just have to admit it, you lost it the guy. That's it.

I don't really think you want him back.
Not any of you short attention span something else

You sure that is what you wish to pray at? Then don't focus on it.

    Taking care of the car

    Meaning knowing something about the car and the car maintainese.

    Able to communicate with anyone without the guys.

    Not gluey.....

    Not lean on the guys. I never do those things.

    Not about your dad your mummy every 2 seconds? 

You have supports.

You know, if this Melinda would be such a horrific human, I don't think why I would even spent time with her as my neighbor near by? You don't just judge by the judgemental belief? Really?

When Tamang left, she was there. She always has some ideas to input in your groups of the girls to get together. I am the one has no clue what you girls are saying about? The fashion, the ideas of this Hollywood?

There are shame parts everyone live at. But when you gonna really think that is really such a big deal things? Really?

Melinda open your mouth, let me see? tile your head right side? You know Erin does this way too often when we're in the nursing home, the assistant living. Slowly at your head skull....

Melinda usually very inward to her own little worlds, she doesn't really going out to give a lot of people's troubles, you know that? And she has a big family, that they together eat at the Chinese New Year? 

Anytime you see the big family, that just means the human exist? You know the eating guy name Neo he is at Sigapore, or one of those South places near the Singapore? I cannot understand his English.


Every place has their own economic values. Me I have to packing in these my family imparied human into this indoor life. Not that I spent the money "I live in an illusion".

(Can you shut up birds? ~~~~)

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