Page 8 (Lawsuit 413) LDOR / Orgo

Date:  Nov 23th, 2022

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I think I have to change this page often....

Maybe I talked about something that most students never understood it.

Being what is the ionic meant, and saying those others are covalent so tight so tight so tight, practically those mostly we discussion WILL BE gas covalent, they will never dissolve in the liquid for breaking them apart.  Meaning the ionic format of that compound, you putting into the water, like a dissolve a salt or a solid into a liquid, they "dissolved". 

You just assuming everything dissolve. So the ionic state its 100%. Well, the definition you are saying they are ionic, will never be the Gas format for saying they are O2, and how they just dissolving anywhere, better than Salt? 

That is why, there is a periodic table chart having a property measurement for saying those Electron bonding = a bond, whether is the overall the compound define as the ionic, or covalence nature.....

You just hope this Lords of Ring didn't be that Jack Ass from the ET, even the JJ coupling coming out of there, you hope Not True Not True. 

Can CO2 dissolve in the water? Yes ! 

So are they covalent bond? Yes. But that entire structure, doesn't becoming C alone, O alone, and O alone. The definition of "dissolving...." in the Covalence state and the Ionic states

Technically when you define an Ionic means there is a positive charge and the negative charge, that entire thing break apart, scatter inside the liquid. So you utilize that quality to do certain thing I guess....Do you know NaCL that is a solid salt, not O2 or CO2, they are invisible looking or smelling gas?

You cannot detect if you have no machine?!

(I need to go to the next page, not done explaining...long time ago before 1900)

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