Page 4 (Lawsuit 413) LDOR / Orgo

Date: 11/22/2022

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D = M / V

PV= ( Mass/ molecular weight ) RT

P(molar m22ass) = DRT

1 mole gas under S.T.P (0 c, 1 atm) under... V will always be 22.4 L

So 1atm x22.4L = 1 mole x R x 273 K

R= 0.082 atmL/ mole.K 

When R = 8.314 J/mole (SI Unit)

The explanation of these when we define "The Ideal Gas Laws", the history how it begins, to how it evolved later on, you have to go back to when the scientific measurement take place and being set as a standard. Meaning trial and error.

To that basic 101 of the science class, you first have to define a hypothesis, then later evolve that presumption one day hoping to a theory, and one day is a Dogma before the Eternal Truth, 1+1 will always =2. 

And to that one side of the data to another set of experimental condition being manipulate, in your more modern term, those are what pusdeo drug in English? uh...what are those placeid...

In the traditional words, that is called the control groups to the set of the experimental condition to that relation to the control groups. That is a standard in all across of every scientific community ought to be knowing or FOREVER that is our current world.

A control

An experimental


That being said when you reading about this Ideal Gas Laws, how all those listing of the history what happened, to later all this R turning back and forth, its that, you only have that PV=nRT, on what things you can really press under.

That will be by Pressure, By Volume, and by Temperature. 

If you wish to control the scientific community now, you can just get up and go and telling them, you gonna destroyed that process every degree of it. Because the first one are from the Medical Clinical Trial, one of those. The later one, its ME ANNA in it. 

Try to destroy it....Now before the eternity happens 1 + 1 is not 2?

When you pressing it down the fact by the comparison one set of the data to another of that PV=nRT, its a pain in the there are only pressing on if 

1) The set of the condition by pressure

2) set by volumn

3) set by Temperature

One of these I think that is what they do, in order, for saying when the universal truth how the other 2 are regulate, you seeing anomaly on the third.

Meaning coming out a conclusion of it.

Have I really read it the textbook yet, or this website? Too lazy, haven't done so. You want to try to overthrown that, why I cannot think that is what it is, how the history might have done? 

Because when I was in school, I don't think i reading that neither? They just mechanically doing the math and by the hard memorization. But I do remember the set of the volume in the 2 tubes with the middle connecting bar. That I remember a roughly what they might have done.

The Ideal Gas Laws

The Hunger Game

Entropy and Gibb free Energy

You see T, you see n, you see V

What is the Entropy ?

Not every waste heat ends up, Orderly order belongs to the System, belongs to the Universe, or environment (meaning you are not the universe, you are not the system)....

Keep click on it, those are slides.  You need to give me a textbook, because I forget most of it. Those are the general chemistry equation.

What is my point?

When I finished, I will tell you what is exactly my points, in case you are too lazy to seeing what is R T are the exactly things in that PV=nRT.

If you being less judgemental and argumentative, you might have my points sooner, I am telling you what points I will ever get. That is exactly 39 slides....why they are missing it?!

Free Energy and Pressure Page 23.

Free Energy and Equilibrium Page 24.

When you seeing Delta, in fact, its every values when I say "By Pressure, by Volumn, by Temperature", they are all the standard of that Delta saying. Meaning the difference of the 2 numbers like

V2-V1= Delta V. (v= velocity in those Elon Musk you all physics at)

Waste Heat?

Page 22. Its part of the equation, you never change those things, you just don't know where you end up your waste heat? Look at it. 

What is by the definition each are specify?

If we using the S data as the S surrounding rather than the S environment...

You need a white flag, or a white SOS or a white handkerchief?  

You want to try 2 hands up, flat, bow, kneel? Not Kneel, bow, flat?

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