Page 5 (Lawsuit 413) LDOR / Orgo

Date: 11/22/2022

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The Energy Conversion (were part of the last Efficiency saying, your output and input supply, does not costs too much of the stagment how the energy goes on waste.)

Your last conclusion will never draw upon a thesis, its how you trying to be monitization when tangle yourself into those energy debates at the House Bill, like the Legally Blonde 2. That is why, your entire general chemistry textbook, to when you going back to the school, or picking a major, from my Bigger Picture how they will make you all do, or will do, or youngster to do including learning in the Chinese language, they are in the baby formats.

You have a form, let's assuming you know yourself a real human, that physical vehicle are having a brain capacity day in day out on breathing. At least you knowing that, you don't becoming a liquid dream, or trying to imagine yourself going inside a interface looks like a portal and you becoming a thousand pieces for saying, you will become a Whole Again. That is impossible. You die.

But in this world, there are things you define, are formless, those are not the real form, or having a soul you saying its anything inside a stone, a pebble, to that any micro-ameba like in your children's encyclopedia. 

So when you having a legal standard, to how the forms to the formless, you defining a basic K1 to K12, are the standard education background you putting the human inside the school, and passing the exam or else they will starve themselves like a savage behavior and die on the street. That is what you called the Capitalism under. 

Not the Jungle Laws. 

So when you start placing these theories on the basis how you wish well yourself, and wishing well Godly, wishing that inspiration going through your head, you read tiny the science to imagine the big - how you come out a Monopolize situation, its where your money sit tight, and your meant you tale, you meant you are sincere.

Its just a scientific fact, everyone trying to figure it out how the plant photosynthesis an ATP!!!  They are self sufficient to all things around, water, and sunlight, with some nutrient, they don't require to eat nor digest.  They are the vascular plants.

Therefore, at this defining how the energy a green plant looking things can staying alive, and we human cannot....I can tell you most scientists do know about the plant, about the photon, about the light, about the wave, about the light is a particle or the wave function/ they can come out a brilliant idea how to evolutionary the world.

Its the Energy conversion you wishing to cease the hunger in this world, you didn't understand the premise, or I didn't think you have a noble soul !!! 

The partaken the ATP if were capable to self reliance, meaning self producing just by staring at the Sun, the Medical Board will be telling you, there are some the miracle workers, and that is not what they advertising you by doing that so, or else every textbook will be written only on that, and the Laws will saying, that is the only legal way you make it or break it! 


They are not limited to the study to the organism. They are the synthetical studies. You defining Life itself, or you defining C, H, O, to what validate for saying they are Organic, or they are life? 

You meaning the breathing things have the soul, feeling, and sensation. And the more complex of that organization of God's creation will be placed upon the Top list, how you as a human specie must survive, and later you think of the animals or the plants. That will be the only legal procedure at it.


Both the Physics and the Chemistry are loads of the formula how to derive a conclusion, by that unit in the Physics are just so loaded with the math, and calculation path, to what a basic definition require the brain to think really.  When I given you a definition to that unit I say I need to see, write, and thought about, that is exactly I never work on the physics for as long as I EVER remembered!!!!

You have a space, you define that object are moving, if that having a vector turn, to which coordinates they usually meant you have a math function inside your brain, how they place upon a piece of paper. To the final destination of those vector ends means, you will be thrown out of the Earth by the Centralfuge power, at the center of the Earth called the equator, for that is a straight going forward. You meant you looking up, or you flat on the ground, I would suggest you checking the Winter or Summer, to which direction, you meant you going toward the sun burning your eyes away, or Topsy Torby, you have a choice, when you flying out, and flip around Top to the buttom....That is the vector saying, that is not really a choice!

I finish this tomorrow.

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