Page 6 (Lawsuit 413) LDOR / Orgo

Date: 11/23/2022 

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The System Diagram to my Personal account recalls 

I used to work in the Molecular Biology Lab in City of Hope, and later after I graduate UB, I immediate went back to see my mother and brother in NYC, that is our residency at, not in Canada. Then I got a job when I was in the NYC. That is the Chromosome Diagnostic Lab. Working as the bench starting scientists, what you will see its the Leukemia Cancer Cells in the Adult, Bone Marrow Painful (Red Black color, the blood color) cells, and the Amniotic fluid cells. Meaning that is the Baby cell.

Keanu's sister are known on the newspaper he is or was cared about certain attribute in his charity works. That is Leukemia I think. 

I went to use the full package of the medical insurance, that is part of the work paid: Dental, Vision, and the Women's doctor. Then I got fired. That is what I will describe to you how it goes. I personally drive and working into those yellow page I found the Western New York Doctors, I cannot possibly don't remember what I did, or done, or was, and then becoming is. The Women's doctor require to send a blood sample in included.

In 2014, we have a cave Tro situation (Lords of Ring)

I was not told we were in the movie, the Renaissance groups, if I Anna= Da Vinci = Tesla position to recreate the Past Ghost of the glittering Tear. Its right on the TV or the movie, you cannot take that down from the Movie Screen for as long as they being public air in the Cinema.

8 years pass, of the 8 years I was telling them in TYG 2013 Early Feb, that is 16+ years pass...2021 I found out we have the System issues.  I draw them the diagram on my Pinterest Profile.

Maybe you should just do that one Cave Tro - Lords of Rings Movie to see it makes the scene or not. For this page lawsuit, full page down. Everything else are too much for the description.

I was using Google+, I have a design on my website + Twitter

You need a mobile phone turning out, you draw 4 screen squares. 

Browser = Safari -> Youtube,

Or Youtube its the App Screen - > a Video

You have a 3D effect? 4 Hobbits.

You use Ella Enchanted. Silicon Valley are known to us the Giant.

I went to Silicon Valley to live there, several month, I live in the hotel and the restaurant. I have seen some guys looks like their. They are not Hobbit's height. No. Very tall too.

My mother came to the Valley, after me. That will be another Legolas situation. They are not with me, not Keanu Reeves, not Simon Cowell. Certainly NEVER that Prince William, why would I even end up in the Silicon Valley, I wondered.

Victoria Secret - How many places I have lived.

I consider one factor might be right now came to my mind, it would been the money. That I normally didn't think it has anything to do with the Movie inside the script things, or the Medical Care, seeking the doctors, etc.

I starting seeing that more clear than I used to be. I don't have the debts if that were never make me before it starting at Zero, or starting at the Minus. You might really need to check that.

One thing I knew about the System from my page, it was that they vaguely were saying you only competing to your same Class Year. Including the Mortality, how long you live. You imagine that after the year 35, everyone didn't die in the accident, cancer, or some illness. Those things do happen, people did die, and they are not coming back if they are dead.

I start to recommend people to go for that Forbes 100, as the life goal, not running in and out of what business venturing ground, and having your own eye sight shatter left or right to the Romance tale. Those are not advertisable right now. Since I am explaining more of the situation toward the Open Galaxy, with many classify material. The accumulation of the Money under the American Capitalism are safer and freedom they given you just about anything under that Constitutional, its highly free choice, not limited, if you just meant it an American Dream or an American Pie, one of those saying.

The System itself will be the Glass a Day those technology - The Glass Technology.

Is the glass soft or hard are still the material science? Yes, you are stretching the material to see how many times you toss, you don't break that, most time that is what I imagined, you slip that in at your toilet. inside the water.

Anything baked, fire, combustion...those words are just one of the Chemical reactions, they define in the very beginning of the General Chemistry Textbook. You only have certain Chemical Reaction defined by those definition.

I don't remember what.

Like Precipitation. You having a clear eye sight, seeing in the bottom of the beaker or the flask, that you are obtaining some results. You record that in a lab report. No, those are not combustion reaction. That word means you burn....You can regulate the temperature on heating up the reaction rate, not that you burning it down the entire things. Smoke, ash? What is the definition when you seeing an paper ash?

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