Page 2 (Lawsuit 413) Lords of Ring / Orgo

Starting written date 11/21/2022; Anna Jao

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The Overall Theme of the Movie Lords of Ring = How to take the ring, One Ring Rule All, not One Phone Rules All (Maybe you should try that first my 2015. Like I have so many background written and I am not dead yet keep written them on that.) to destroy inside a mountain. Along that way, you need a goblin whom acquire that ring during the time that has the Sunshine, I say before 1900. 

The stories being in that 500 years the sunlight fallen, so the goblin transformed to this very weary old age big eye, 2 polar personality trait. You need the MD just for that. The decent things to do. He eats fish and drinks water. Apparently we all just need to assume, the human are on the Earth, and so does the Orc.

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To that unfinished written paper on the last 1900, or 1920 begins inside your every chemistry textbook or the physics textbook, its that there were that every basic elemental theory to the development of one electron how it will ever end up 

1. Bonding.

2. Disassociation out of the equation + or -

3. Ph ruling in the most termiology that ends at the nutritional / Dietitian ever love those words.  Its how you sale, if you starting talking about like PH.  But that will be in the chemistry department.

Now I am the chemist side to the next lawsuit 414 - Hunger Game, I will be telling you about something called Ideal Gas Equation, PV=nRT

To that tiny things I read, to where recall my 20 long years ago memory...I can tell you a basic thing I use to know to how I read about 5 mins on several sites all together. In my simple words, that does not violating if I written this before you are, at this Hunger Game, your entire categories might be at the Upper most advance engineering and the Mechanical force. Only Taiwan we here Asia has the Material Science, your world considering that is the vocational school, like my ex bf, he was in the 10 grades before, you see that?

You have a SI unit, that is the international Science approve unit, you cannot change any of that. That is why there is an Ideal Gas Equation, in case you wonder when there is a science committee to becoming the SI or the 1893, whom and what present over there like Tesla or Astor Jacob for their competition in the invention the latter won the price.

I can tell you my memory fade, just like you all, so here is what I will be writing to you combine the physics and the chemistry how that Past of the glittering Ghost in Tear Harry Potter, there is a reason for everything.

Let's start on the Adam Pascal - Loving the Silent Tear to look like Michael Fassbender represent one or the other SMCH late German Husband was a dentist Director. How the dental assocation never felt ashame any more of this to make every few 40 years before, were not 44.....

P = Pressure, their standard SI unit will be Pascal

P = F/ A, that is per surface area your face to be charge by the first degree burn from the Fire Department, not the per surface ash on your Shining Hand made clothes to becoming the Ghost of the Past Physics department on theory. F = force

W= work = FD

to that PA = F, so that PAD, that AD = an Area is the width and length x, to D = the change of the height = meaning that is 3D

That is Volumn means, how you define , dont bother telling me width, the length and the height! That is the Math.  I learn that in the middle school.


So that redundant of the change of the V = will always be delta V.

Meaning W = PdeltaV

PV = nRT

to that n = mole = Weight/ molecular weight.

PMV=weight RT

Did I tell you there is a P, and F, and how the weight make the g or the a.  So that F=ma.  m standards for the mass. Same thing.

You don't know what I am suppose to do, or the Educational Department of those textbook, no one knows exactly what I am about to do? Or you care to figuring out the Past of the Glittering tear on the Ghost part? 

Not certainly the Pascal!

I gonna omit that to-do right now, because I so long didn't check your Standard Unit, that is why. When you defining the Ideal Gas Equation to when one day the Avogadro's law came upon, that is why there is a unit saying, Right? So I came back later with that. When I finish the unit side.

Now the website didn't finish there, because the most important things of this PV=nRT, to that every experiment of the setting up the "Standard Idea", which you suppose to know.

Its by Pressure, by Volume and by Temperature. You don't have any other ways, how they describe to you inside that tiny website, at least I am telling you what exactly I know?! 

亞斯 says double ! 

... The definition of the W are in the physic department, what I am telling you are the very very very rudimentary of the in between two department of that Physic and the Chemistry Department will forever having this inter-change correctly.

Because those what you mean the pressure or the Work = W standard is to that output of the work, to that calculation of the money, how everyone else charging you. So that is why I am saying that, not that I dont know what is the details how the physics department on the most rudimentary laws, will be Newton Laws = Apple fallen from the Tree. Not even the Thermodynamic, just a very very very simple Newton Laws

Apple Fallen from the Tree.

F= ma, that mg, if were saying g = constantly, then that a is the calculative acceleration, to that basic definitinon to the g both are the equal acceleration, its that has to be calculated, and the F normally meant that F=ma are the horizontal flat surface towards the fallen on the thrown pebble or rocks. Not the Vertical Simon those background, some traditional physics suppose to knowing all that for, that was a very famous and well known experiment, or the building structure like that. 

When they saying about....those are very very very rudimentary, on that acrossing education middle school, or high school, you suppose to paying attention right. That is between the Physics and the Chemistry will NEVER changed.

Let me write this more formally, saying

P =F/A, that definition as the equation telling you how we define a pressure, meaning it has to be a force to pressing upon a surface. That surface having a vector down "Weight" or the force, that is a pressure.

Your weight is the force, if you sitting on someone's back. That is pressure, do you understand the rudimentary subjects definition per wordy? 

亞斯  says x 2

Okay, the basic Physics Department has nothing but unit. I seen these formula...the problems its I have to paper written down per unit correctly, not that I remember every unit, I know some unit. So there is a real physic sheet on the Power = Fx v

These are not the velocity. In the real Physics, you are saying about the electrocity, will be voltage and Resistant in the light bulb material testing 99 having 1 material science right (Edison), to that 1893 Westinghouse using his own patent, because Edison says no for the Chicago Expo....that Resistant of the light bulb

亞斯 says x 2

In the real physics how everyone were more into, are those Voltage, Current, Resistant, for that parallel or the straight, to minimized this output of the current lost electricity, or lost heat, or lost the entire thing by "breaking it down", that is what it means. 

To that entire set of the new alphabetic words, those are not the set of the short writing when you going to the Chemistry Department, you gonna get confused, you need to switch your brain, that entire Watt, or Power (that is not the same P to the PV=nRT, pressure, and there is an ideal constant K )

Now....the reason how those are design into that set of

1. Straight resistant

2. Parallel

You don't burn down your outlet at the switch side, or the light bulbs, whenever you applying to how much the voltage

亞斯 says x 2


The real factor that when they supplying you the electrocity, to all these design downstream meaning at your home unit, are just meant the factory on the calculation they give you the maxmium inifite number they can supply, and you just calculate how much you don't burn down your entire set of the wiring process, that process in the textbook are only teling you in 2 kinds of ways, why or now, if you straight your mind to Current on that R1+R2.....format, one burn down, your entire household will be down down down. There is no more current, it stopped at the broken down R.

If you are parallel to that calculation of the R, there is up and down math calculation,  What that really means are, for example, you plug-in, 5 roomy lights + 5 electronic appliances, each all having a resistant define as R1, R2...R10. Making that easy, to that they all looking like the light bulb. 

You have a resistant design, its to stop the burning on fire, the entire current stop right there.

Or it will be more of saying another way, that is how you calculate when you putting a meter on, how much current passing through, to that V= voltage, I = current, R = resistant, the total output of the electrocity, you will be charged by a formula to that unit.

I think it is not Watt, its KW. Meaning 1000x. I just told you, I know the concept or the roughly  things, just very rusty how I used to be "Middle School." I am.


No, you doing a mechanical math, by calculation. Those sheet or exams, they are telling you how those structure its JP Morgan says, "You cannot put a meter on a measurement" to Tesla remember?

You don't just providing (x2)

an unlimited current by how you pushing the current to each "How deep the Ocean Goes", from the Far Away carrier AC? Voltage means? 

You pushing the current in, but there is no meter you know how much your turn on that Pc or lighl bulbs, you cannot measure how much these household items just turn on the light forever? So the money will be charged, that is why those are the industrial design. There is the reason.

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