Page 3 (Lawsuit 413) LDOR / Orgo

Date: 11/22/2022

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When you talking about on the chemistry side how the heat related equation, there is a Work input, to the output = the modernization how well these appliance to Waste Heat.

(亞斯 says x 2)

For the chemists, they have an overall how you define the Heat Concept, most time they didn't say those are the waste heat. In the Physics, to that industrial built upon the regular household per item how you purchase, to how you plug in, to how the Fire Department grant you the monopoly, you only produce this kinds of the layout, or else you will be inside the jail, its that you are not supposed to generate the Earth Waste in trash, or the dying out the entire ocean zone by the plastic, or shampoo soap, they inventing a bio-degradable solution/ detergent. 

You can say you profile on the concept just by as long as the legal department didn't prosecute you. That is a false claim, its called the environmental costs that your commodity causing everyone's health issues from the Ocean fish / shrimp / sea food intake.

There are many people doing many things. Those will trace back to one of those outlet in the physics department = the electronic appliance such as the Light Bulb, the air-conditioning, the security lock has the light on, the water hose on timing to water the grass, your garage light on to the sensor how you push a buttom, you coming in the garage, to that how you charging your car now on the electric mode to somewhere somehow without the oil consumption. Your car mode must be small, and flying through the winds on the highway. Or the straight road in any America major road, speed on the city zone measurement.

You will be jailed, just no matter what.

Wavey ..not just your hands not on the steeling wheel.


Power to that definition here, you separate the entire chapter here. Not to go and mix up the Ideal Gas Equation

You need to focus how to separate the Physics and the Chemistry, or else you seeing these number, one of those day, you playing the Romance games you forgotten every single things, to that per unit I ask you, you stumble and fall.

These will be your monitization you imagine those Corporate on the Top, to the behind scene, they are in the money yielding profit to gross and net revenue. Those are the economic factors how you in-place, all the structure must be putting on the money sign on it. What you buy, what you use, its exactly what you paying for it.

I am writing my paper works here

A Watt= A unit of work or energy over time (亞斯 says x 2)

(Birds says x 16)

P = V x I  (Voltage x Current )

V / R = I, you should just memorize this forever....

V= IR therefore.

P = I^2/R   or   P = V^2/R

   1 Watt = VI = 1 volt-amp         - (1)

        P = I^2R= 1amp^2-ohm      - (2)

        P = V^2/R = 1volt^2/ohm      - (3)

(1) = (2) = (3)

Its from your textbook. Not I written them, you just putting the equal sign from that Wall to P to P. Up down.

P = W /t Meaning literally input the watt per second will equal to P. 

KW = P x t (how long seonds mins hours you using the electrocity ) will become the kiler watts. Your billing cycle has the KW on it. 

And to that a joule =  a newton-meter = W = FxD, here are saying 1 j = 1 newton x 1 meter

That is still the same W = F x D (We just define that j )

Joule like jewel Austin sounds like. (Intern 2015)

1 W = 1 newton-meter / second

In other words your comprehensive here suppose to be One Watt = 1 Newton-Meter per second.

That is what the division means. You divide something, so that is per in the unit. You using the t on the denoumination in Math in English 分母

Hey somebody !! 

I used to never figure it out the details, those were the practical physic department they emphasize, me = volleyball.

So W = Work

J = a newton-meter?

So Watt= J/s And that = P.

Watt and W are not the same unless that is Watts per second? Meaning that is Joule per second.

I suppose to work out your Page 2 equation, you know what are those. I am still on the P here...never end on the SI unit.

P are the Watt = Power

W are the Work, not the Watt unless to the per second, it will Upgrade all by themselves to the Watt! How did you guys invent this before again? 

Its how far you apply the force to that degree saying how long that you keep pushing it, division

That is Power = Watts.

You know Pressure how deep the ocean goes was the mmHg?

How I used to talk about Pressure were their sea level at 1 atm, it will never change at 2 Meter human.....sigh.

Called Altitude, not their attitude. 

I gonna go to nap (亞斯 x2, birds x 16)

I am too tired, I get up and finish this page 3, so you have the page 2. That is how it works. I told you, all this unit needs to sort by per......

What you define the Standard SI, those are your lab basic 101. Meaning you will always be on the first floor having what standard temperature to pressure probably meant it 1 atm, meaning 1 atmosphere pressure. The way you walk on the ground that is P = 1 atm.

I am sure your basic elemental human knows what I am suppose to write, I just didn't see it most time on the www Internet when I input the equation, or else I will copy it to you from anyone's website. I just don't remember the details, I need this page first so you can have the page 2. Not yet.

They are the Newton laws to.....flat surface that is what it means Aladdin I say on that Olympia Japanese. The application to the Newton Laws, that supposes to be going straight down manes Apple Fallen from the Tree Branch. 

I don't remember the details, I have to math on it, in case you don't know what I am busy on it? 

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