
In America, they use Jury, meaning you all sitting outside your meditation center. To the legal court, per paper reviews inside your hand, you set 10 jury meeting groups.

I don’t care how you random your entire big groups. Each jury like 15-20 people ? So saying 10 jury groups = 200 people selected to where these money should go. At the court.

I have my side. I don’t take your things. You go to the real laws processing…all the modern trend to the future here you go.

She doesn’t want the karma, she doesn’t want the illness she doesn’t want ghost. Your karma…I didn’t do any of that. I was born 1983.

She doesn’t care that 花千骨 (2015) -its very very shameful to her too popular. She really thinks she becomes too popular on the voice mouth jobs your SMTV flattery her 慫恿她

On that lawsuit 472, same

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