
好像還是在講你們清海無上師、繼承者接班人 ( SMCH successor continue on TV news ch 51)

Cooking lunch boxes, child education, senior care decent heart, you mean Bodhivasta heart? 菩薩心的那種?一定是生出來….

Literal position governmental 文職官員

Meaning IQ 需要有智商

Pizza, car 為什麼你們不說跟人類有關的 samsara 你們都必須要高人一等?意思就是你們要會凝聚人群的意思!



The definition of fat it’s on my faces. I don’t hear what you say.

Rukawa ran off the battery, all positions 流川風全部位置~沒有體力了...

我已經很久沒有吃飯糰,有一天的早上我看到兩個女孩子拿了兩個巨大的便利商店飯糰有一個 加了一個很巨大的500 cc 那種木瓜牛奶的飲料。

I am a long time never eating those rice triangle things, one day in the morning this week, I saw two girls having these 2 biggest regular Convinience store Triangle Rice things, one of them adding that giant 500 cc drinks kinda like my time of the Papaya milk drinks.

你們是不是不喝牛奶? You all don't drink milk?

技術上是說牛奶非常的肥 Technically speaking, the milk are very fatty.

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