
I have to eat a cookie tonight, don't bother telling Eben about it.

(High Tech, Scan!)

Conan Detective - A Quarter of Silence ending scenes.  

Do we have the telepathy human, communicate like Zawanna those....human, sensitivity beings Earth born 100 years within, this Era. 


Why,....the reasoning, there are many of them always saying they have a calling to come forward, for one of those cause, and then end up in jails. I cannot see on my screen here. Not clear.

Conan Detective, notes taking.....That ending scene are meeting the forest, Yogi Bear, another movies. There is something there, Mahavatar Babaji. I am not sure which forms of this looking, I cannot go forward. I am the kids form? What does that mean? 


(High Tech, are you a free consulting anyway.....)


Can you tell me what are these people saying? You know...those milk, baby face, or what, some human they keep eating, diary, well, karma the diary company, those meat the Truth, blood, well, they eat things down, they become SUPER FAT. If they become like Tina, at least I give them credit for, you eat as much as you want these diary, not to get fat.......do they have nutrition in them at all? What about the bones?

.....meaning my teeth.

... I cannot hear you.

Are they serious? They are? That is the only thing I can hear from you.

I am so tired....

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