
We never end this.... (UB 6+1 MD mistakes to go to jail)

Western New York (Buffalo Amherst, Williamsville region 14226, 14221) 

(My offices is in Amherst Public Library)                              University at Buffalo (UB)

                                                                                                   UB Library (Capen, Lockwood)

Apparently all your hostile hostility to knowing where UB getting their money to pay to the librarian its from the Education New York State, they have a governor.

Its the public librarian getting the money from the Tax payers.



Seiya sailor moon roof its where Dr. T knows Dean seen it before.
oh?~ You didn't know that is NSC parts. Dr. T lives in Cooke Hall must be, his car parking outside the faulty not the student lots I guess.....

The UB visitors has a visitation right.......
Meaning one day pass of using their database.

But then again if you want to looking up Dr. T's paper, it was might be depending what that data base subscription allowing the visits to see, not all none paid subscription its expired with your UB ID Cards.

The UB librarian its the ones operating those database purchase, including the Standard & Poor 500. Purchasing, and researching on it.

How stupid to sound like the librarian its a Master degree so any PhD human written a paper not MD or Pharm D ever were.....to saying every paper ending up in the purchasing subscription and paid at your student loans? Must be peer review. Do you know what is the peer review means? You so redundant going to SUNY Brook didn't ask Dr.T? 

And even worse, because the MLS program or Master degree human doesn't require to have a peer review journal, I be the librarian cannot say what you wish to find me, its in the Library Congress, the things too big of scales has to become a book? Anyone would know that difference between a peer review journal, or a book with a serial number ISBN? Every redundant reason you getting a One day visitor pass?

One day someone might just suggesting you that, if Locke human getting his MLS beside that Ph.D Chemistry, to how you all winding up running around 6+1 to 4+1 on Anna says Self-publishing on Prince Harry how his mother objects are under Lockwood basement, and to how those Sitesell or Joomla too big of talking, its that....in your MLS program, you intend to learn every useful resource will sound like you didn't step every wrong line when you are MD 6+1 on black projects money like Michael Vartan says. And in fact, if you were in MLS program, you realize every librarian didn't get the jobs for that Sitesell or Joomla or Self-publishing, its beacause not that they cannot write in an English paper, they are all English or the history major, its that Amherst public Librarian its a reference librarian. Its the same librarian you asking them in the Lockwood that referecen desk. That is a reference Librarian's jobs, to how I ended up a different office desk, to that same Beeping Book checking out exit door.....I am telling you Amherst Public Library its just a driving distance to UB, right next by.....


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