
You wish someone does a job for you. Meaning copy every line

You don't want to get blamed anymore....so it was always someone's fault.

That will never be a MD jobs, in case you didn't know that.

Just by hearing it what that someone claims you she is not American, in your own imagination Zombie lands, you should know what that danger spelling in every cross field, just saying it out loud for.


"For the survival one day that back end....its that in every other black water money groups like Michael Vartan claims to how many Dr. T's 16 years every years mistakes, we are the better groups, at least its 6+1 copy exactly the same thing, except whom didn't copy it anyway, without a brain or IQ? " 

To every road and step how you will all ending up in the very end, this is how public airing how that each and every steps you will send yourself down, with someone I promise you every words I say to be true. Say it.

To that someone intelligent enough to prove every road you are wrong or including the industry, you should fear, just like Inelia Benz words, how to eliminate....the World prosperity ends, its that....you realize how that each burnt on the skin, to per cell degree, inside body fluid, outside brain air unbalance, to how the internal eternal games, someone couldn't be promising to the Lords like the eternal punishment for every mortal fallen on soul, its the Bible you holding it dear say. Got it?

For that you all so trusted Simon Cowell, Eben Pagan, or that Craig Valetines....

You see that CEO lesson I post it in the navigation bar, to how the Earth one day becomes the joking jelly fish sounds, from me sitting in the Central. I guess you didn't realize you will become that day got fired either way......Until that Day, right?

(down down down down down) with their name on it.


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