
"Eon and Kalpha Pass....How that sweet sounds as Long Time No see meant..."

"To that monitor little says, how the evolution goes, or when is this your Indian 500 years old Master be him peace upon you since which life on his objective universe are solely onto you? So that the true natural of that...just the faces or the appearance to evovle in that accordance to the tiny movies to brought out this far.....you cannot see beyond life, you cannot see beyond mirror....to that forever young, forever life....it started Eon, Kalpha long ago, and by that means Time measure, its how divident to that Eon says numbered, or digits to sounds less then the Wheel?"

"I would have said to you....to all those Court battle you so wishing to washing you faces, you were 15 years old, jumping, yelling, headaching, everything just like her. Square....but yet, Eon, Kalpa, Age after Age, you want to bet on which real court having that true evidence, its 1 against ratio of 1000, one million or what factors of that saying, just lightly touched the subjects, everyone's mind, left...and gone?"

"Its not just the photoshop your wrinkle away your faithful, if all of them all knowing what you are....Right?" 

"I tell you, how you excuse yourself that PC you did buy....like the TV, to sound like.....precepts without, there is just a right System how remote and far afar, just how the subjects will ever ( be.....coming ) the only evidence substantial reports, not just proven it." 

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