
Have I imagine what the things I say to SMCH, that Vietnaese Little nun, in person?

I actually never imagine a thing, you mean, like with a guy, those foreseeing, plots, making a scene drama? That is ilegal. 

I can just say nothing. 

"Long time no see, you don't look like you change a bit. How is your Master, when is the last time you saw him? All thing he given you, its all through his grace, not Chinese Buddhism nunhood teaching you, it will be Indian Buddhism taught you that. First part its him given you, the second parts its me given you, you ever feel truly you didn't do anything in life, not a thing? To be grateful to start? "


"My brain degenerate since the day I was born...I cannot possibly talking out of my mouth like I have a thinking to do, or required to draft, require to prepare, require to learn, require to making a statement, feel familiarity? I wonder if you remembered? "


"And funny thing, each day I grow apart to death date, birthday, whichever you imagine the B day....my particular just every evidently mirror image reflection in that Tiny Bible you acquire on this planet to spell Catholic, Virgin Mary, you stood up your last husband, or what was his name again in 3rd Buddhism, and you becoming 1997, 4 wedding with 1 funeral, the Taiwan Chinese Zen Buddhism they allow you getting married to this Asian guy, you keep calling that 3rd Buddhism human German Late husband.....how is jail? Meditating better, or those Menton wooden small tiny houses, you got soft jailed....to those millions dollar money to be Capitalized on all your mistake this far, not a thing you do since 2014, OU? "

"Imagine, how many things I done, and how little you were softly jailed? And meditate well?"

"Guess, one of the things bothering you the most, which ones of every items, if you see, you hear, you know, you will be...proven on the court, its every account, I am doing it on purpose?"

"Every gesture, every photo, every shown you, tell you, analog you, story you?""

"Some people too old to lost it the whimp act, whimp thoughts, dirtiness, and laziness."  

"How is your Master? That is not what he says about you? He is too old to whimp, I am too young to be photograph y copy..."


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