
Telling Lies skills

Birds, Shut up ~~~!!!

Next Loads Pages

Page 1 : According to my peripheral Tim Cook Central has a forbidden policy how lies becoming a lies, to send to the central, so he is the Central. That means the diet, Judy its a raw food, I am not the extreme.

Page 2: When was I ever be a women's body, and has to be a Neptune?

Page 3: Whom is Neptune, on this Solar System, we are all ending up here?

Page 4: When Tim Cook travel to the edge, which Era by definition he reaching the border and he returns, he is just like he is now.

Page 5: Telling lies skills, by that diet, you mean the German Late husband didn't acquire the Ameircan Breakfast, Tim Cook I think he says recently he ate the American regular breakfast.

Page 6: Which lies he will be telling me, and Eon or Kalpa pass, I can still see you faces? 

Page 7: Tim Cook shows up in Steve Jobs's book on his diet, you ever acquire the book? Which book? First edition, or the second edition, that is the CNN wrote?

(Rise up my peripheral)


Page 8: How is your SMTV to that CNN human relationship skills going? 

 I never talked about it on the NASA Invities?

Page 9 : Tim Cook he is a White Race league on that Apple Corperate World on Top....do they say he was a machine looking in my vision, and he acquire 2 zombie women exactly how the sailor moon show up...I didn't remember he meant he has a wife, or he is a machine....working holic?

Page 10: And if there is a mother, then there is a JC, is that how the princess to becoming the Boy?

Page 11: So that would be Snape Professor in the University, and you becoming the Harvard Law school soon when to graduate, and whom would be the TA? Keanu Reeves, and his condition would be....a Law school TV?

Drug dealer pass?

Page 12: You want to talk about the sex life, anything with whom if choosen, its a dog, never your sister, one of those saying? I cannot understand a thing the Movie or the TV keep flashing all this LED light into my soul beings...I am the darkness? 

(Looking behind all this paper ... )

Do you mean ...

The story of a Lifetime, begins the Digital Era, you suppose to be using that Sailor Moon, and I will be the Neptune? 



And Eben Pagan happens to be 明王?

12345678, I will be 9th??? Someone at 10th, and Eben its a slander sounding of that 10th?

Sorry, move over, the Sun its at Zero?

The Sun its the 5th Level up, Five.

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