
You want me to tell you what you really did? See the last 2 photo last posts?

If you bring a form, or a homework, its me filling it in front of you, and you get out of that door. Do I look like person about trillion times now, if not million times in whichever forms, or confrontation, or situation its me....go and?! Ruin that every piece of paper inside on your term, best to your degree of happiness in the future?

You want to just call your dad or mom forward? That is the same school teacher will be telling your parents, your age limits, I was passing......were younger.

You don't think that is EVERY SINGLE paper? They just didn't give me a pension for filing out the form, put a Classroom Roof on Top, its EVERY jobs looks about the same. Filling a medical form on the counter, if I were Lee and me showing up, or me and nick showing up.

Filling up a senior assistant living home form, you sign up you walk in, you want a tour bus going with you, or you can walking in your own room better? You want to put the photo side by side telling me, how you really feeling, what I am good at really, in the end of this term, I can tell you with my heart, my soul, my mind, ...long time ago, I saying that to you? WAY Long time ago? 

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