
⭐️ You know, I am kinda of tired explaining to you the same exactly the things ...this time Lords of Ring, that you using what you have around you to bring some emergency situation under control ⭐️⭐️ 4 Stoves, stocking emergency supply, not whine your life plan got ruined. ⭐️⭐️

Because things are often changed. You are not the chosen one! You keep thinking this when you have no more back end road, you go and gambling. You will find your ruin, you keep doing all that. You better just going along the American military, even the foreign country will ask American that tiny decency what the democracy Constitution they gaurantee in their World, when the Full Disclosure to that Open Galaxy comes.

I say you girls issues are the humungerus to the Zilions. 

You want a guy shelter you, or you mean you shelter yourself?  Whenever a project in front of you, like buying a car, getting a DMV paper form filling in every 10 years in America....You ever bought a house, purchasing deal, and % in your head, how to, what to down payment? Your breathing cannot breath, you are out of the breath as that money so important to you, you have a debts or no more money at all.


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