
Their spirits are dull, meaning dead.

A lot of this 小資小本 Small Capital, Small set up don't lasting long jobs with these. So I told you, getting a real State, Pension, set up any kind of the close relate to the righterous jobs, at your governments sides are the best. 

Because...these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IodcfY5PRB0

Very very stressful. They are on the run of 52 weeks, coming out one week correct things, they hope that statistic reflect. You are not firm on anything you step on. You are not sure your life if you touch that things crumble, your entire being don't have a correct orientation because of that. 

Most youtuber, are all like that. Its a new trend, its a new information site. But a lot of people whom done that, will be telling you, they spent the money, they care about the comment, they care about the talk, they care about the look, they care about they care about....meaning they go out and buying the new outfit, where are those money from?

Not a stable jobs afford. 

Including those imagine none-profit Khan. You have a fame, that doesn't mean you are so assure you getting a job.

If you invent something, that you so assure its a real invention, like me

Even it ends up in the garbage can, you still hopeful....its just figure it out next way not to end up in the garbage can. I don't really go in front of the public. Its the behind jobs.

How not to end up in the trash can, every single time.

I cannot tell you why you should be make money in this way.

But that is what I can suggest you, if they don't let go that Westlife TV. Why its keep on that garbage can / Trash can in American word, in front of them.

I always gear toward the invention or the discovery, that was my nature. I like that jobs. The America didn't say you cannot keep inventing until things will come out one things is on the table, can be use, or never end up in the trash can.
That is what the democracy makes off.

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