
The birds are keep screaming.....President Xi, that pot, so many dead sten. Then the birds flying to the Bank street that 5 Star Hotel

This morning....you have a brand new American style coffee place in front of the I go to.

So these birds are saying China, then American.

These plants mean.....every small Christmas red plants included, like 10+, its I eat lunch, they wish to bathing, that is called eating. These plants know you....if you are retired to feed them good, its because you are not busy making money indoor. If they are dead....well, not supposed to be dead, like every 2 or 3 days feed them, you staying in door, they know you have hope, staying inside making money, or somehow they figure it out you are stress, when you are on the balcony.

How big and small they know all this things, never end. 

I just don't have time looking at them. They are the oracles!

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