
๐Ÿฅญ Velocity is speed, but you mean you set that parimeter of the car speed forward. When you saying a physics, you will always invovled in the vector in a qundrain of the Universe. ๐Ÿฅญ

That is 4 quandrain in the math coordinate. Most time you learning X and Y when they are positive.

But in that basic sense, you will have a standing human on the ground tossing a ball straight up, or a baseball to the forward that your dad or your neighbor. Not the basement.  Any ball, not limited to the baseball.

That is a typical physics scenario. But when you saying that example to your commanders and the Gym box, stacking up different height. You don't have a kinetic, but you will have a potential. Those are just they given an elements definition while you are in the static mode, meaning none moving, or applying a kinetic energy.

Sometimes in the chemistry, that concept its to apply heat, or the buffer, or catalyst. There are some basic concepts how your textbook or your teacher teaching you. I know the basic not that I have the time to be mechanic on the calculation or by memorization. I never seen the complementary cram school questions?  I cannot be exam at, but you asking me the basic every term, I know all that. 

You want to be that excellent in your physics, or engineering, then the basic laws they stated in the Thermodynamic or the Newton before that history to today how the String Theory....they are all connect, you imagine they don't stack up on each other. They are. You are not clear to their each definition or how the history becomes to today....your tiny textbook saying all that. Like you heard your teacher saying a name, or whom....but its not a lot of information?

Well...its on the theory name called the Newton's law. Its the Apple fallen from a tree, on Earth.

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