
Simon Cowell - You engineering a look. uh....nick, no. I don't talk to him about that. We are not really talking about you. Its more of the near by issues.

But technically he doesn't have any money, it will be me, once if the court coming down, if your intention with him, I give him some those Chinese marrying their daughter out, the looking better gifting things. But....I don't want anything to do with you or him.


That is already set in 2014. Don't talk to me about your interest. I don't like those stuffs. 


If you like Eben.... no, I don't need it.

Craig, I will tell you personally I don't really know whom he is or whom they were.  I was at Project Camelot, not on nick's stuffs. There are a lot of junks on nick's plate sent to jail I think.  

Mahavatar Babaji, no, I cannot give you that. Simon. There is issues. He can have many other kinds of disciples. I know whom they are might be. Don't bother thinking getting near. Those are real human cloth....whatever you imagine. Sometimes, there is also an human reincarnation issues, like psycho, psychopathic.....or hate or love, in that Shiva saying. You leave that alone. Love to hate, love to suffer, love to....being abused, one of those. 

My Brother - Sariputra (Gays, love Legally Blonde)

I used to tell people about his story, about how he growing up with me. Up to High school, I have other friends. Inside school, or outside school. He does those I collect 100 worlds, those things are meant to be his. 

You know what is Sariputra means?

One of those saying. Do you want to go to your own age groups, older, mature, or money more, wealthy, other than his stuffs? I personally don't dwell any of them, but certainly you make them imagine they have money. They don't necessary have any money, 

Its not everything I see, I share, I hear, becoming you Simon Cowell stuffs. You can only be with one guy, one girl, or 10 dates.....

Yeah, you can go on every date 100 if you finding them 100 of them anywhere. I have no more facebook. But legally you can only marry to one, or 2 or 10 if you keep divorcing at it. 

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